Thursday, January 22, 2009

Than Merrill shows us the goods....

Than Merrill, the guy from A&E's "Flip This House,"
created an incredible training video Tuesday that was...well...
nothing but gold! 46 minutes of PURE gold! Did you see it?

But hold on - his next video gets even better!

So stop what you're doing and watch this now!

(You can thank me later.)

In this video, Than shows you how to show up on the first
few pages of Google (the only pages that count), so that
motivated sellers see you (and your website) when they
search to sell their house.

And you need to know you to do that for a world of reasons!

How powerful is that!!?

You HAVE to watch this video, it's a killer!

Here's the best part. This is something you can implement
in the next 15 minutes and it won't cost you a thing.

Seriously! Take advantage of Than at his best right now!

So here's your assignment;
1. Watch this training video and then create your own business
listing. It's super easy (takes 15 minutes) and might even
get your phone to ring before the day is over!

2. Than's got a contest where he's giving away 2 valuable prizes,
worth 1k & 3K. You have to play to win, so the assignment is:

You need to participate in that contest, then report back to me
how you did (email me at

Don't forget to grab the new Profit Map that Than created that
goes along with his video.

P.S. Be sure to watch Than's first training video on How to
Find Probate Deals. If you missed it you can still get it,
but you better go there now. It might be up only a few more days.

Go check it out!

Pat Gage

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