Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned.I like many people have a Merchant Account- a necessary part of doing business online. Let me share with you aLessons Learned that will hopefully save you some stress.When you first sign up for a Merchant Account and they send you that long application, now there is a line thatasks you for your "DBA Name". Now don't be like me and say, "I'm a corporation (LLC, S or C) I don't need toinsert a name there!" That is where the trouble starts.That DBA Name is VERY IMPORTANT that is a 7-22 Character Identifier that appears on your customer’s credit card statement next to the amount that was charged. Take a look at your own credit card statement and you will seethat under the transaction part of your statement.
Makes sure that this DBA Name is understandable to yourcustomers meaning make sure that your customers knowthat that DBA and charge are coming from your company.I.E. Nike 1234567 I would include your company phonenumber in the DBA so that if people have questions theycan call you. If they don't recognize the name and chargethey will refuse the charge and if you get too many refusesyou will use your merchant account and have to scramble to get another one quickly before you loss out on sales. Ask me how I know this...?

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