Thursday, January 29, 2009

It goes live today-based on the A&E TV Show

Today is the day!

At 12:00 pm (ET), Than Merrill will be opening the doors
to "Wholesaling University" for a select group of people.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to become part of
an exclusive Wholesaling-coaching program taught by
Than Merrill himself and a very select group of the top
wholesaling minds in the country.

Click on this Link at Exactly 12:00 PM Eastern

If you had a chance to watch any of the training videos
over the past nine days you know the quality of training
that will happen on a weekly basis within the University.

The best part about the University is that ALL the classes
that are taught are CONTENT only. Every month there is
a combination of live and on demand video trainings you
can access anytime - day or night.

This is definitely cutting edge training and a superior way
to get educated! Just think about how successful you will
be with a team of coaches in your corner helping you every
step of the way!

Not only will you learn all aspects of wholesaling (from
residential to commercial), but there will also be additional,
content only, classes taught on other areas of the business.

Do not miss out on this opportunity because I know Than
is onlyaccepting a limited number of people. Likewise, the
Universityis kicking off next week so it is now or never!

Click on this Link at Exactly 12:00 PM Eastern

As an additional incentive when you sign up through the
link above we are also going to include:

As a bonus for ordering from this link today I am going to
include the following FR.EE Bonuses:

1. 6 Months of Coaching membership providing you with
one-on-one training to guide you through the process
of business funding so you can get all the money you
and your business deserve.

2. "How To Double Your Sales in the Next 12 Months".
This special report will give you action steps to take
today to move your business in the right direction.
Learn what to do and what not to do to increase
your bottom line.

3. FAQ's of the Business Credit world. This special
report is a transcription of several monthly
"Ask Pat" calls where student’s send in questions
and they are answered live. This reference guide
is a must have for your information library.

To Your Business Funding Success,

Pat Gage

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