Friday, January 30, 2009


The wait is over!

Than Merrill's WholesalingU is NOW LIVE!

Here's the link to the Official Site:
(Be Sure to refresh your browser when you first land)

Now, here's where it gets good!

Not only will you learn EVERYTHING about the wholesaling
business, but you'll learn timely information on other areas
of real estate investing as well - including a class taught by me!

I must warn you though...

This is shaping up to be one of the biggest online events
of the year and there's only about 24 hours left, so be sure
to get on over to WholesalingU as soon as possible.

And don't be late for class!

To Your Business Funding Success
Pat Gage

P.S. Than is only accepting a limited number of students.
And the University classes are kicking off next week - so
it's now or never!

P.P.S. When you register through any of the links in this email,
you'll also receive some extra special bonuses from me:

1. 6 Months of Coaching membership providing you with
one-on-one training to guide you through the process
of business funding so you can get all the money you
and your business deserve.

2. "How To Double Your Sales in the Next 12 Months".
This special report will give you action steps to take
today to move your business in the right direction.
Learn what to do and what not to do to increase your
bottom line.

3. FAQ's of the Business Credit world. This special
report is a transcription of several monthly
"Ask Pat" calls where student’s send in questions
and they are answered live. This reference guide
is a must have for your information library.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It goes live today-based on the A&E TV Show

Today is the day!

At 12:00 pm (ET), Than Merrill will be opening the doors
to "Wholesaling University" for a select group of people.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to become part of
an exclusive Wholesaling-coaching program taught by
Than Merrill himself and a very select group of the top
wholesaling minds in the country.

Click on this Link at Exactly 12:00 PM Eastern

If you had a chance to watch any of the training videos
over the past nine days you know the quality of training
that will happen on a weekly basis within the University.

The best part about the University is that ALL the classes
that are taught are CONTENT only. Every month there is
a combination of live and on demand video trainings you
can access anytime - day or night.

This is definitely cutting edge training and a superior way
to get educated! Just think about how successful you will
be with a team of coaches in your corner helping you every
step of the way!

Not only will you learn all aspects of wholesaling (from
residential to commercial), but there will also be additional,
content only, classes taught on other areas of the business.

Do not miss out on this opportunity because I know Than
is onlyaccepting a limited number of people. Likewise, the
Universityis kicking off next week so it is now or never!

Click on this Link at Exactly 12:00 PM Eastern

As an additional incentive when you sign up through the
link above we are also going to include:

As a bonus for ordering from this link today I am going to
include the following FR.EE Bonuses:

1. 6 Months of Coaching membership providing you with
one-on-one training to guide you through the process
of business funding so you can get all the money you
and your business deserve.

2. "How To Double Your Sales in the Next 12 Months".
This special report will give you action steps to take
today to move your business in the right direction.
Learn what to do and what not to do to increase
your bottom line.

3. FAQ's of the Business Credit world. This special
report is a transcription of several monthly
"Ask Pat" calls where student’s send in questions
and they are answered live. This reference guide
is a must have for your information library.

To Your Business Funding Success,

Pat Gage

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Business Funding Call tonight 8PM EDT!

Thanks for the slew of excellent questions.

For those of you who missed out, don't worry, we'll
be doing these "Ask Pat" seminars on a monthly
basis. Keep an eye open for the next one.

I'm really excited to share all this great
information with you tonight at 8 PM EDT.

Just call in TONIGHT using the information below:

Tonight! Wednesday January 28, 2009 at 8 PM EDT
Call in number: 712-432-3908
Conference ID: 3291485#
Get ready to LISTEN and LEARN!!

Remember no selling -just education that pays!

To Your Business Funding Success,

Pat Gage

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This video will FLAT OUT blow you away!

Over the last few days I've been sharing with you
some solid training videos from TV's Than Merrill,
star of A&E's "Flip This House".

Check out Than's "Instant Internet Video Ads Strategy"

Don't get me wrong; his past couple videos are solid,
but I just watched his latest one and it's HANDS DOWN
the best one.

No question!

Check out Than's "Instant Internet Video Ads Strategy"

In this training video he picked an investor that
posted a comment to the blog... who had absolutely
NO ONLINE presence. He showed him how to create online video ads designed
to find buyers... and within 24 hours, he was on the
first page of GOOGLE.

Awesome, huh?

Than shows you exactly how to do the same thing, so
that you too can build a H-U-G-E buyers list using
these ads.

In fact, Than has used this same strategy
to grow his buyers list to over 40,000 people.

Imagine having little ads that constantly add buyers
to your list while you sleep?

Check out Than's "Instant Internet Video Ads Strategy"

To Your Business Funding Success

Pat Gage

Only 1 day till Business Funding/Credit Teleseminar with Pat!

If you haven't sent in your questions yet, remember
you have until 12 NOON PM EDT Wednesday January 28th.
for Wednesday’s ASK PAT teleseminar at 8 PM EDT.

I will answer all your questions live on the call.

So send your questions to:

The call in info is as follows:
Wednesday January 28, 2008 8 PM EST
Call in number: 712-432-3900
Access Code: 3291485#

There will be no selling on this call, Education Only

You can still get MONEY during these uncertain
times so get ready and get the money you deserve!

Just like Dr. Dee Ann who to date has received $155,000
to expand and grow her business.

Remember, no question is a stupid question. Get
them in. I wouldn't want you to miss out.

Send your questions to

The call in info is as follows:
Wednesday January 28, 2008 8 PM EST
Call in number: 712-432-3900
Access Code: 3291485#

To Your Business Funding Success,

Pat Gage

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ask Pat your Business Funding/Credit Questions!

Just wanted to let you know it's time
for another monthly "Ask Pat" telesemianr.
I've gotten so many great questions
from students and thought you might
have some too.

This will be a question and answer format. I
will answer the questions that are emailed
into me at the email address below:

So if you have any questions or challenges
now's the time to get the help you need to
get the money you deserve!

SAVE THIS DATE: January 28th. 2009

The call-in information will follow in
a future email.

Again, send your questions to:

Pat Gage

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Than Merrill shows us the goods....

Than Merrill, the guy from A&E's "Flip This House,"
created an incredible training video Tuesday that was...well...
nothing but gold! 46 minutes of PURE gold! Did you see it?

But hold on - his next video gets even better!

So stop what you're doing and watch this now!

(You can thank me later.)

In this video, Than shows you how to show up on the first
few pages of Google (the only pages that count), so that
motivated sellers see you (and your website) when they
search to sell their house.

And you need to know you to do that for a world of reasons!

How powerful is that!!?

You HAVE to watch this video, it's a killer!

Here's the best part. This is something you can implement
in the next 15 minutes and it won't cost you a thing.

Seriously! Take advantage of Than at his best right now!

So here's your assignment;
1. Watch this training video and then create your own business
listing. It's super easy (takes 15 minutes) and might even
get your phone to ring before the day is over!

2. Than's got a contest where he's giving away 2 valuable prizes,
worth 1k & 3K. You have to play to win, so the assignment is:

You need to participate in that contest, then report back to me
how you did (email me at

Don't forget to grab the new Profit Map that Than created that
goes along with his video.

P.S. Be sure to watch Than's first training video on How to
Find Probate Deals. If you missed it you can still get it,
but you better go there now. It might be up only a few more days.

Go check it out!

Pat Gage

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hey do you Want to Be in a video?

You got to Watch this video now:

It's from a maverick real estate investor named Gerald
Romine and it's hands-down the most amazing mind blowing
video I've *ever* seen. And get this - the video is only
1 minutes and 47 seconds long.

Here's the crazy part that blew me away. With a few mouse
clicks you can be in the video.

I'm talking about you... with your information... even your
picture in the video in seconds. Seriously, this is revolutionary
for real estate investors and their marketing.

You can even use this video that stars YOU to help buy and
sell houses. How cool is that?

Right now take 107 seconds of your time to see this video
before he takes it down.

Then put yourself in the video and imagine the reaction of
your friends and family when they see your video with a
picture of you on a billboard!

Enjoy :-)

Pat Gage

P.S. By the way, Gerald does give you the chance to sign up
for his email list and I highly recomend you do it. It's
totally optional and I happen to know he's got more very
cool free stuff to give away.

Either way, watch the video. It's awesome...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned.I like many people have a Merchant Account- a necessary part of doing business online. Let me share with you aLessons Learned that will hopefully save you some stress.When you first sign up for a Merchant Account and they send you that long application, now there is a line thatasks you for your "DBA Name". Now don't be like me and say, "I'm a corporation (LLC, S or C) I don't need toinsert a name there!" That is where the trouble starts.That DBA Name is VERY IMPORTANT that is a 7-22 Character Identifier that appears on your customer’s credit card statement next to the amount that was charged. Take a look at your own credit card statement and you will seethat under the transaction part of your statement.
Makes sure that this DBA Name is understandable to yourcustomers meaning make sure that your customers knowthat that DBA and charge are coming from your company.I.E. Nike 1234567 I would include your company phonenumber in the DBA so that if people have questions theycan call you. If they don't recognize the name and chargethey will refuse the charge and if you get too many refusesyou will use your merchant account and have to scramble to get another one quickly before you loss out on sales. Ask me how I know this...?