Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pat Gage Presents Business Lines Of Credit Program at a Workshop in Livonia, Michigan - What will Your Life be Like When Money is Unlimited?

Investors learned about a revolutionary program to transport their business to higher levels of achievement

Detroit, MI—Pat Gage is the Opportunity Creator and an expert at establishing business lines of credit. Like many real estate investors, he thought it to be very difficult to raise unlimited capital for his business. After nearly going bankrupt, he was convinced it would be a full time job just to establish the credit necessary to grow his business.

After attending many seminars and purchasing programs and materials, Pat discovered the key to successfully obtaining unsecured lines of credit. Mark Maupin of the National Real Estate Network was proud to have Pat to speak at the Mega Evening Event in May. “Many of our members have asked me how they can obtain business lines of credit to fund their real estate deals,” says Mark Maupin. “I was thrilled to have Pat as our featured speaker to explain his program and share his secrets with members of our group.”

Pat explained how to talk to bankers and lending institutions, how to fill out applications for unsecured credit cards and lines of credit, and how to receive approvals quickly. “I can show people how to bullet-proof their business credit profile with multiple business credit bureaus and have the bankers actually calling them!” says Pat Gage. Pat shared insider secrets to obtaining unlimited capital for business and he explained how to separate business from personal credit to avoid piercing the corporate veil and damaging one’s personal credit score.

These topics and more were covered at the event in Livonia. Many investors gladly purchased his program to use for starting or expanding their business. “People were lining up to purchase his material,” said Mark Maupin. “They could hardly wait to get out of there and go home to study the material and plan their next business venture. The great thing about Pat’s program is that it works in all 50 states.”

Pat Gage, The Opportunity Creator, and a leading expert in the field of business credit has helped a number of clients target his specialty, starting, expanding, and growing their businesses through his trademarked 10 Steps to Money System. The Opportunity Creator is not only a sought after business credit coach but also a national speaker. For more information on any topic discussed, visit Gage’s site at


Destiny Now, LLC33006 7 Mile Road Suite 423Livonia, MI 48152Phone: 734-261-0688Toll Free: 877-262-0688Fax: 734-422-6168

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