Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mark Maupin Invites Pat Gage to Speak at Livonia, Michigan Event and Show Investors and Business Owners How to Get a Business Line of Credit

Pat showed small business owners how to dramatically accelerate their business opportunities by having financial institutions seeking them out to loan them money

Detroit, MI—Pat Gage is a business man who spent years struggling to obtain financing to build his business and he nearly went bankrupt in his efforts, until he stumbled upon the secret to successfully obtaining business loans. Now the bankers are contacting him to fund his business ventures. His funding has grown more quickly that he had dared to hope for. “In fact, the funding enabled me to purchase the first commercial building in my portfolio. It was amazing and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders,” said Pat Gage.

Mark Maupin invited Pat to speak at the Mega Evening Event meeting in May to share his secrets to obtaining business lines of credit and getting quick approval for unsecured loans. Pat told investors how the real key to success in business funding is to get one’s company prepared with the right tools so they are in the driver’s seat. The financial institutions and banks want to lend companies money; this is their business. However, a company must convince the bankers that their investment in them will be safe and the return will be worth it. Pat showed how to get the funding needed without spending countless hours on the phone with financial institutions; instead, the banks will be eager to contact you.

Pat enjoys networking with investors and business people and showing them how to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls of applying for financial backing for their business. He showed participants how to obtain lines of credit quicker and with far less frustration that he went through before he developed his technique.

The event in Livonia was a huge success. Many of the people who attended purchased his program and are using it to fund their business ventures.

Pat Gage, The Opportunity Creator, and a leading expert in the field of business credit has helped a number of clients target his specialty, starting, expanding, and growing their businesses through his trademarked 10 Steps to Money System. The Opportunity Creator is not only a sought after business credit coach but also a national speaker. For more information on any topic discussed, visit Gage’s site at

Destiny Now, LLC33006 7 Mile Road Suite 423Livonia, MI 48152Phone: 734-261-0688Toll Free: 877-262-0688

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