Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Last chance to register for tonight’s webinar with Alan on virtual assistants

Just so you don’t forget, tonight’s webinar with Alan Brymer
will be airing at 9:00 pm, Eastern Time. I can’t write too
much more than this, because I’ve got so many questions to
prepare for tonight’s call.

You see, I’m interested in finding out how I can better
leverage my time, too, and get more deal done with less

I’ve learned the hard way that outsourcing all the time-
consuming detail work to someone else is the only way to
ever make real money at your business—not to mention the
only way to keep your sanity.

Register Now to Reserve Your Slot:

For the audio part only call in using the following:
Webinar ID: 777170715

Attendee: 916-233-3089, access code 409-727-856

Just think about all the WORK involved in real estate
investing that you’d like to get off your back once and
for all:

Trips to the courthouse to check records,
Checking up on contractors,
Compiling lists of prospects and pre-foreclosures,
Hanging signs,
Driving by properties,
Getting documents notarized,
Delivering contracts,
Calling sellers,
Answering buyers’ questions,
Writing ads,
Dealing with tenants,
Placing ads,
Mailing letters,
Getting copies made,
Running to the office supply store for paper,
Making calls,
Returning calls,
Checking email
Opening the mail,
and on,
and on,
and on and on and on and on….

If this is familiar, it sounds like you could use The Assistant
Who Pays Their Own Salary!

The question is -- HOW to do it?

Well here’s the good news—you don’t have to wonder this any
longer because TONIGHT is your chance to finally break the
chains of drudgery and begin truly working ON your business
instead of IN it!

So here’s your last chance before tonight’s webinar at 9:00pm EST:

Register Now to Reserve Your Slot:

For the audio part only call in using the following:
Webinar ID: 777170715

Attendee: 916-233-3089, access code 409-727-856

I hope you or a friend can make tonight's call to get the
insider’s tips on getting free of your business!

Best wishes,

Pat Gage

P.S. You don't want to miss this one!!!

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