Friday, March 6, 2009

Why a Business Line of Credit is Important for Every Business

Many small business owners are not concerned about their business credit or know what Business Credit is until they need to get a business line of credit or money for their business. Businesses of all sizes need to have a credit line with at least one lender as soon as they can acquire it. Lines of credit help build your business’s credit profile, and can pay for needed materials and equipment, that can help grow your business.

Before you can develop a line of credit for your existing business, your business will need to be set up as a business. Legally. This means you need to have a business phone and address that matches your state and/or county records. Consistency is key when setting up your business entity correctly in the eyes of the financial institutions. Banks will and do check these along with 17 other items to see if your business is a real business.

A business line of credit is usually a set amount of money that you can borrow up to. You can use this line of credit all at once, or over a period of time. In this way, lines of credit differ from loans. They behave more like credit cards, but you do not have the plastic and high interest rates. Your limit on a business line of credit stays the same, but the amount that you have withdrawn from that line of credit varies, and your payment will probably vary, too.

Have a line of credit for your business available before your business needs it. A line of credit can save your business during the slow season or help you survive those first few critical years when your business is either feast or famine. Remember these Business lines of credit don’t appear on your personal credit report!

Get the basics you need for obtaining business credit, then start looking for financial institutions that offer a lines of business credit. Once you obtain your business line of credit, you can consider business opportunities that were simply not possible before.

As the Nations Leading Expert in Business Funding, Pat Gage has created a system for raising unlimited money for any business. The system is called “10 Steps To Money®” and has assisted many of his students and himself in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for their businesses. Pat is not only a sought after business funding expert but also a national speaker and frequent radio show guest. For more information on any topic discussed, visit Pat Gage’s site at

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