Monday, February 9, 2009

Are you buying a home, anytime? - If so read...

If you are thinking of buying a home to live in orto rent then you
need to read every word of this...

Are you one of the millions of people who are goingto purchase
the "American Dream?"

You're not alone.

Everyone wants to upgrade to a larger home or build equity by
buying a home.


Maybe you just want to buy a good deal in your area, a foreclosure

Well here's one fact that you should know before you dive into any
real estate deal...

The majority of buyers leave several thousands of dollars on the table
because they don't know how to negotiate "repairs" effectively.

You will learn how to affect a BPO (Brokers PriceOption) if you are an
investor and justify a lower offer to the bank mitigators and home sellers.

Join us on the call, register below:
Date: Tuesday, February 10Time: 9pm EASTERN, 8pm Central,
7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific
Register Here:
My guest's system will prepare a professional lookingreport that you
can then give the seller. The seller will have to take your offer because
it is all justified in black-n-white.

Register now before the lines are full
Date: Tuesday, February 10Time: 9pm EASTERN, 8pm Central,
7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific
Register Here:
Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, a investor looking to
cash-in on the market,or somebody wanting to purchase a
2nd. home...You need to be on this call to protect yourself

See you on the call
Pat Gage

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