Monday, February 23, 2009

Credit Options for Starting a Business

If you are considering starting a business, you may be surprised by the financing options available to your business before you ever open your doors. To get credit for business start-up and initial operation, you need to do three basic things:

Register your business as a legal business entity. DBA’s do not qualify for business loans. You should also have a business phone listing that matches your business’s physical address. Lending institutions use the national 411 directory to verify this information. Finally, develop a line of credit with your vendors and service providers.

But, you think, I need the money from the loan to do these things! Lenders understand this and offer credit for business start-up. To get this type of loan, you will have to have a sound business plan that includes how you intend to spend the start-up money (equipment, staff, computers, utilities, etc.). Show how you will make money with the financing from their loan. A good source for these types of loans is the SBA. You will need a good personal credit rating in the beginning, unless you use one of the various bad credit business loans available.

You should also get business credit cards by using your business’s information. To build your business credit, you want business credit cards with your business name on it. It is very important that this be a business card, not one with your personal name on it, to help your business establish credit.

You can and should apply for a business line of credit, even before you pay off your initial start-up business loan. By establishing this additional business credit line, you offer yourself some financial protection should your business need it in the future. If you wait to apply for a line of credit until you need it, your business will be less apt to qualify.

If your business needs more capital than your unsecured line of credit can provide, there is even a secured business line of credit option. This line of credit is secured by the collateral you have in your business. A secured business credit line is similar to a home equity line of credit, with a couple of exceptions. You can get a higher capital amount with a secured business line of credit. Plus you would never want to use your personal home equity to fund your business. This is not a good business practice. You would then be commingling funds and lose business tax benefits as well.

When starting your business, start building your business credit at the same time. Soon, you will qualify for business credit lines that can take your company to the next level.

As the Nations Leading Expert in Business Funding, Pat Gage has created a system for raising unlimited money for any business. The system is called “10 Steps To Money®” and has assisted many of his students and himself in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for their businesses. Pat is not only a sought after business funding expert but also a national speaker and frequent radio show guest. For more information on any topic discussed, visit Pat Gage’s site at

Friday, February 20, 2009

Using Business Credit Cards Effectively

Obtaining business credit cards is one early step towards building your business credit. This is not the same as using your personal credit to obtain a credit card with your business name on it.

Obtaining a business credit card relies on your business credit information, not on your personal credit information.When you are beginning your business, you will probably need to use your personal credit.

After you have fulfilled certain basics, your business should rely on itself for credit.These basics include incorporating your business as a legal business entity. This does not include DBAs (individuals Doing Business As company x). Consult a local business attorney about incorporations are available in your state.

Another basic for building business credit is establishing a business phone that matches your business address in the national 411 directory. Having a “Home Office” address are okay, too. Just make sure you are listed as a business in 411 and that your information is correct at the state and county levels. Always give lenders this same information.

The last basic step involves building credit with your vendors. If you are in the service industry, you can develop accounts with your office supply, Internet, and phone service providers. Otherwise, get a credit account with your suppliers that you may already be using.

Now you are ready to apply for a business credit card. Use all business information on the business credit card application. Use business sales numbers, list other business assets and liabilities. Use the Debt To Income Ratios that are in the 10 Steps To Money System to ensure accurate figures that the bank will approve.

List business creditors (your vendors) and use business references. Simply put, make your business stand on its own when obtaining business credit.

Once you have a business credit card or two, use them for business expenses only. Carry some balance on them month-to-month, but plan on paying almost all of it off monthly.

Do not use your business credit card to purchase items for which you could otherwise obtain business financing. Your long-term goal should be to establish solid overall credit for your business.Establishing solid credit for your business is relatively easy to do if you start by following the three steps above. Then get business credit cards to further build your business’s credit.

With good business credit as your foundation, you are now ready to get a business line of credit that does not depend on your personal credit.While a business credit card is a great tool for using credit for business purposes, as with any tool, use your business credit card wisely and it will serve your business well.

As the Nations Leading Expert in Business Funding, Pat Gage has created a system for raising unlimited money for any business. The system is called “10 Steps To Money®” and has assisted many of his students and himself in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for their businesses. Pat is not only a sought after business funding expert but also a national speaker and frequent radio show guest. For more information on any topic discussed, visit Pat Gage’s site at

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Financial Boost Towards Your Business Dream

What would you do with an additional $30,000, $50,000 or $100,000 or even more in business capital?

Would you buy that equipment your business desperately needs?
Would you hire that assistant so you wouldn’t have to work 70+ hours a week and on weekends?
Would you pay off some bills? Taxes perhaps?
Would you launch an advertising campaign to bring in more customers or clients?
Would you buy residential or commercial property?
Is the lack of small business credit holding you back from growing your business or perhaps the thought of even starting a new business?

What would you do with an extra 30, 50, $100,000 or more in your bank account right now or the availability of a line of business funding (credit)?

While you may think this is an impossible dream, the reality of having a business credit line may be much closer than you think. The key to having this kind of extra money ready to spend for your business is in knowing the secrets to be able to acquire these business lines of credit.
Securing business lines of credit or funding can seem daunting when you are first starting on this path, but with a few small steps, and a little patience, you will be able to secure the money you, your business and family deserve.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your business has it's own credit profile and history. What we need to do is to build your business credit up enough were your personal credit becomes obsolete.

My 10 Steps To Money System assists you in making that separation between personal and business credit. The goal is to rely and build your business credit more than your personal credit. You as a business can borrow a lot more than you can as a person.

It's time to do a credit check on your business. Pull your business' Dun & Bradstreet Credit Profile and see what it says about your business, banks already know. Don’t have a D&B Credit Profile for your company? A D&B Credit Profile is your business’s credit report, just like your personal credit report is for you. You need to get one!

As you build credit for your business, you will suddenly find a new world is open to you. Instead of having to pay with cash or capital for each purchase you have to make, you will instead be able to use business lines of credit and pay as you go. This means you will have money, ready to go, when you need it, but don't have to use it (or pay interest on it) until that time comes. This is the way large businesses work, why shouldn't you be using their business credit line tricks?

While you may be thinking you can get the same thing by having a personal credit card, you'd be wrong. Unlike a personal credit card, a business line of credit, whether through a bank, or credit card company (such as the Open American Express card), will be giving perks for being a business account. Some of those perks can include convenience checks. Sure, you've seen those with your personal credit card, but when you use 'cash advance checks' with your card, it will cost a fortune. Business accounts often come with 'convenience checks' that do not come with the same penalty fees and charges for usage.

While these two tips may seem relatively simple and basic, establishing your own business credit, and a business line of credit can help you take major strides towards starting or growing your dream business.

As the Nations Leading Expert in Business Funding, Pat Gage has created a system for raising unlimited money for any business. The system is called “10 Steps To Money®” and has assisted many of his students and himself in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for their businesses. Pat is not only a sought after business funding expert but also a national speaker and frequent radio show guest. For more information on any topic discussed, visit Pat Gage’s site at

A Financial Boost Towards Your Business Dream

What would you do with an additional $30,000, $50,000 or $100,000 or even more in business capital?

Would you buy that equipment your business desperately needs?
Would you hire that assistant so you wouldn’t have to work 70+ hours a week and on weekends?
Would you pay off some bills? Taxes perhaps?
Would you launch an advertising campaign to bring in more customers or clients?
Would you buy residential or commercial property?
Is the lack of small business credit holding you back from growing your business or perhaps the thought of even starting a new business?

What would you do with an extra 30, 50, $100,000 or more in your bank account right now or the availability of a line of business funding (credit)?

While you may think this is an impossible dream, the reality of having a business credit line may be much closer than you think. The key to having this kind of extra money ready to spend for your business is in knowing the secrets to be able to acquire these business lines of credit.
Securing business lines of credit or funding can seem daunting when you are first starting on this path, but with a few small steps, and a little patience, you will be able to secure the money you, your business and family deserve.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your business has it's own credit profile and history. What we need to do is to build your business credit up enough were your personal credit becomes obsolete.

My 10 Steps To Money System assists you in making that separation between personal and business credit. The goal is to rely and build your business credit more than your personal credit. You as a business can borrow a lot more than you can as a person.

It's time to do a credit check on your business. Pull your business' Dun & Bradstreet Credit Profile and see what it says about your business, banks already know. Don’t have a D&B Credit Profile for your company? A D&B Credit Profile is your business’s credit report, just like your personal credit report is for you. You need to get one!

As you build credit for your business, you will suddenly find a new world is open to you. Instead of having to pay with cash or capital for each purchase you have to make, you will instead be able to use business lines of credit and pay as you go. This means you will have money, ready to go, when you need it, but don't have to use it (or pay interest on it) until that time comes. This is the way large businesses work, why shouldn't you be using their business credit line tricks?

While you may be thinking you can get the same thing by having a personal credit card, you'd be wrong. Unlike a personal credit card, a business line of credit, whether through a bank, or credit card company (such as the Open American Express card), will be giving perks for being a business account. Some of those perks can include convenience checks. Sure, you've seen those with your personal credit card, but when you use 'cash advance checks' with your card, it will cost a fortune. Business accounts often come with 'convenience checks' that do not come with the same penalty fees and charges for usage.

While these two tips may seem relatively simple and basic, establishing your own business credit, and a business line of credit can help you take major strides towards starting or growing your dream business.

As the Nations Leading Expert in Business Funding, Pat Gage has created a system for raising unlimited money for any business. The system is called “10 Steps To Money®” and has assisted many of his students and himself in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for their businesses. Pat is not only a sought after business funding expert but also a national speaker and frequent radio show guest. For more information on any topic discussed, visit Pat Gage’s site at

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What investment strategy works BEST?

There’s sooooo many ways to make money in real estate.

But which ones work best in this market?

ANSWER: It's two you never heard of...
Can you spot them?
- Foreclosures (You’ve heard of this)
- Short Sales (You’ve heard of this)
- Preconstruction (You’ve heard of this)
- Wholesaling (You’ve heard of this)
- Retailing (You’ve heard of this)
- Tax Liens/Sales (You’ve heard of this)
- Buy & Hold (You’ve heard of this)
- JVF... Yep, that’s one- MLO...

Uh huh, that’s the other Watch this short video to see what these strategies are:

They’re the best because with them you’ll achieve the ultimate
financial goal, which is to make... ...

The most amount of money....
In the least amount of time....
With the least amount effort....

And the lowest possible risk. And they require no money, credit,
loans or even seller financing. Watch this short video to learn why
JVF & MLO are the best investment strategies:

To Your Success,
Pat Gage

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This Real Estate Video just hit #1

Wow! This just ranked as the most watched real estate
investor training video ever in a single day!

It’s pretty obvious why once you see it . . .

Check it out now.

Pat Gage

Monday, February 9, 2009

Are you buying a home, anytime? - If so read...

If you are thinking of buying a home to live in orto rent then you
need to read every word of this...

Are you one of the millions of people who are goingto purchase
the "American Dream?"

You're not alone.

Everyone wants to upgrade to a larger home or build equity by
buying a home.


Maybe you just want to buy a good deal in your area, a foreclosure

Well here's one fact that you should know before you dive into any
real estate deal...

The majority of buyers leave several thousands of dollars on the table
because they don't know how to negotiate "repairs" effectively.

You will learn how to affect a BPO (Brokers PriceOption) if you are an
investor and justify a lower offer to the bank mitigators and home sellers.

Join us on the call, register below:
Date: Tuesday, February 10Time: 9pm EASTERN, 8pm Central,
7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific
Register Here:
My guest's system will prepare a professional lookingreport that you
can then give the seller. The seller will have to take your offer because
it is all justified in black-n-white.

Register now before the lines are full
Date: Tuesday, February 10Time: 9pm EASTERN, 8pm Central,
7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific
Register Here:
Whether you are a first-time homebuyer, a investor looking to
cash-in on the market,or somebody wanting to purchase a
2nd. home...You need to be on this call to protect yourself

See you on the call
Pat Gage

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wednesday Nite, 9PM EST

A webinar that will blow you away....

TOPIC: How to get an additional $30-$100K+
for your business in 47 days!

Date: Wednesday February 4, 2009

Time: 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

For the online Webinar Portion, click to register:

What would you do if you had an extra $50,000, $100,000,
or $150,000 in your bank account?

* Would you sleep better at night knowing you could buy
that equipment your business desperately needs?

* Hire an assistant so that you wouldn’t have to work
70 hours a week?

* Pay off some of those bills that keep piling up?

* Would you launch an advertising campaign to bring in
more business?

* Buy that residential or commercial property you’ve
been looking at?

* Now you can discover my insider secrets to building
business lines of credit in excess of $600,000 and much,
much more!

If you've never attended a teleseminar/webinar before,
it is simply a seminar where you call in and listen over
the phone AND watch the presentation on your computer.

Don't worry if you don't have access to a computer Wednesday
night. STILL call in and listen.

click below to register before the lines fill up:
For the online Webinar Portion, click to register:

I will tell you the story on how I got startedin real estate and
used this money to avoid bankruptcy and go on to become a
multimillionairein commercial real estate using this system!

I will you a story how I got $100,000 froma local bank
without seeing or talking to thebank representative.

I am a know nothing about business financing guy that cranked
it up and literally raised over $600,000 in less than 2 years,
to become a mutlimillionaire!

I am living the dream of every investor/entrepreneur
in America!! Make sure you check this out..

Opportunity and Success!! This is it!

For the online Webinar Portion, click to register:

See You on the Call!!

Pat Gage

P.S. On the call I am going to make anoutragious offer -
to make this system FREEto you!