Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Are You Listening?

I recently overheard a conversation between a salesmanand his prospect. It started off like many interactions.The salesman asked the prospect a few questions, undoubtedly with the intent of building rapport.

And fortunately, the prospect was more than happy to talk...sharing stories about his wants and needs.

But, after a few questions, it became apparent the salesmanwasn't truly listening. At one point, the salesman asked a question the prospect had just finished answering. Needlessto say, the sale was lost.

Successful products, services, companies, salesman, etc. come from listening to customers and prospects and adaptingto their needs and wants. But too many business owners and salespeople are inflexible and follow their own methods and ideas (whether they work or not).
If you want to improve your business, listen to your customersand prospects. They will tell you how to win and keep their business...if you give them a chance. You never know when your next big idea is one a customer passes on to you.

To Your Business Success

Pat Gage

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