Thursday, July 17, 2008

An unexpected letter in the mail...$100,000

Just the other day I opened my mail and to my surprise
it was an other business credit card. But, this business
credit card was different, it didn’t look like the
other cards that I’ve received before, plus I didn’t have
that bank on my tracking sheet, which tells me, what lines
of credit I have applied for.

So to say the least I was a bit curious about this card that
stated "Your New Account Has Been Established." As I
read further down the letter with the card attached I knew
that this was not a typical "Credit Card", it was a $100,000
line of leasing credit. That's right leasing credit. I didn’t
apply and had never up to this point heard of this company
so I was very curious about this offer, $100,000?

So I called the 800 number on the letter and
started talking to Jason, I told Jason that I didn’t
apply for this card and where did you get my information,
etc. Jason told me that my company fit their profile
of companies that they make this kind of offer to, because
my company looks and acts like a business the line
of credit was issued.

And guys here’s the best part….This leasing line
of credit was issued solely based on my company’s
Dun & Bradstreet report! NO Personal Guarantee!
NO Social Security Number was given at all!
That is awesome! Do you see the power of Business Credit?

I asked Jason to explain this $100,000 line of leasing
credit. Jason said that it’s for us to use on anything that we
can lease like vehicles, office equipment, rent for a building
etc. I said that sounds great, but what are the interest
rates for this type of leasing credit? Jason said that
the rates are currently at 5.25% -I said WHAT! 5.25%! Jason
said yes, that’s correct. I said that’s great! I then asked
Jason what’s the catch, do you have to lease only from
your list of vendors, Jason siad NO, you can use any vendor
you want. Also, I can use any amount up to the $100,000 limit
that I want, so I could lease a copier for $230.00 a month
or a whole office space for $3,000 per month.

This leasing company is just one of the many offers I get in
the mail on a daily basis and this will happen to you when
you follow the “10 Steps To Money” system of raising unlimited
money for your business. What would you do with $100,000 in
leasing credit?

To Your Business Success,

Pat Gage


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