Wednesday, August 6, 2008

George Ross Talks about Credit Lines

Dear Friend:

Recently I had the pleasure of meeting Mr.
George Ross, who is Executive Vice
President and Senior Counsel of the
Trump Organization and co-star of the
"The Apprentice". He gave a great speech
.... What an amazing person he is.

First let me tell you that when George told
us that he was 87 years old I just about fell
off my chair. Here looks great for his age
and is a very entertaining speaker. I was
fortunate enough to chat with George for a
while about his experiences.

The message that George was stressing in his
speech was that everyone, no matter what your
financial situation is, needs to get lines of
credit. Especially when you don't need them.
You see, that's when the banks are more willing
to lend.

It's like when you're looking to find a companion
of the opposite sex and you go out with some
friends. Doesn't it always seem like the person
who is already attached gets all the attention?
It's the same idea here. The less the desperation,
the more attention you receive (from the banks,
that is).

Now, you'd think that the Trump Organization, with
all their money would just reach into their deep
pockets and pull out a wad of cash from "Hip Nation
Bank", wouldn't you?

NO way! According to George, they do exactly what
I've been teaching you. And that's getting Business
Lines of Credit. And doing it before you need it.
Now, do you think that if Trump, a billionaire,
uses lines of credit, that it might be a good idea for
you and your business to use lines of credit as well?
Do you think following the lead of a billionaire could
lead you down that same path?

As I always say, if you continue to do the same thing
over and over again, you will continue to get the same
results. Do you think you deserve to be rich? I think
you do. Do you want your business to be successful?
Then follow the leads of the big guys and take your
life and business to the next level.

To Your Business Success,

Pat Gage